Tuesday, November 22, 2005

a jewel of the present caught in the fading colour of a yesterday. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Such is the life a cobble in York, one minute floods, next sugar coated by ice. Posted by Picasa
Touched by the fire of the setting sun. Posted by Picasa
In a bid to beat costs and congestion, the students launched their own cut price tour bus. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 19, 2005

How the West End got it's name. Posted by Picasa
Photographed and painted a million times, yet the land remembers once there stood a symbol of a mighty empire. Posted by Picasa
One day you are part of a great hall, Barley hall, next you are snickelway linking Swinegate, Coffee yard and Stonegate. How the mighty have fallen from former glories. Posted by Picasa

:: Welcome to York - Media ::

For those that feel inspired to visit York or know more about the history behind some of these photos, this is a good site to start with.
Bound by rivers and city walls, land inside the city was tight, so the streets shrunk to fit, Mad Alice Lane. Just imagine this area without electric lights... Posted by Picasa
Sitting in 2000 years of history seemed as good a spot as any other to sunbathe, though he was aware the sun could fade his colours. Posted by Picasa
The sun setting through the doorway of history. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 18, 2005

With falling visitor numbers, the tourist board reveal their new poster campaign, "Thy must be nuts not t'cum pay t'visit. Thy will git a rite warm welcome" Posted by Picasa
Where choirs once sang, bird song fills the empty space. Posted by Picasa
Being in Yorkshire, the civic governement sun dial was nowt flash. Posted by Picasa
With the passing of being a tidal river, no longer do the tall ships trade along the banks. Posted by Picasa
Even the stone defenders fall defenceless to the passage of time. Posted by Picasa
All long the watch tower. Posted by Picasa
Metal mirroring bark, while shadows guard the living. Posted by Picasa
As the sun fell, the shadows grew in to one another. Posted by Picasa
Tales from the river bank. Posted by Picasa
Telling stories, the stones whispering to the sun. Posted by Picasa
Where once defenders walked. Posted by Picasa
Following the curve of the rebuild for the modern horse carriage. Posted by Picasa
As the sun sets, the shadow of the fallen reach out. Posted by Picasa
"Yeah and the moon is made from milk!" Posted by Picasa
Honest dad, the mouse was this big! Posted by Picasa