Wednesday, December 28, 2005

From bringer of dreams of christmas, to a snowcatcher in the wind. Posted by Picasa
Standing still in the driving snow. Posted by Picasa
From roman road, dane gate to medieval snickleway. Posted by Picasa
Walmgate into Fossgate, names meaning little to the snow falling. Posted by Picasa
Weathering time and the storm. Posted by Picasa
Snow cover. Posted by Picasa
Post festive diet tips, ignore the junk food and stick to your greens. Posted by Picasa
Close in formation, they impressed the local judge, with extra marks given for the bad weather difficulty factor. Posted by Picasa
Like russian icebreakers they rounded the bend in the river and braved the headwind ladened with snow. Posted by Picasa
A young child's dream day, no school, snow and a funfair. Posted by Picasa
Just add snow for a dash of ye olde england Posted by Picasa
Local government winter gardening ideas. Posted by Picasa
The trees hung on to their leaves and the bright lights of the funfair drew them on. Posted by Picasa
Bent to the wind and dressed with snow. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How many snowflakes does it take to make history? Posted by Picasa
St Mary's in the snow. Posted by Picasa
For a romantic shot, just add a sprinkling of snow Posted by Picasa
Reflecting on the designs of man. Posted by Picasa
Like the first footsteps of humanity Posted by Picasa
To each a moment not forgotten to individuals left. Posted by Picasa
Memories of the blood of the fallen to the stupidity of humankind. Posted by Picasa
Rememberence garden. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005

Chimney and rising sun. Posted by Picasa
Sunrise of the ghost of the priory. The streets name, Priory Street is all that now remembers the land use of the past. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Waiting it's turn for the sun. Posted by Picasa